So... lately I've been feeling rather, how should I put it--- Eager. Yes. Eager. What am I eager for? Well. A lot of things. #1. The future. Now I don't want you to think I'm wishing my life away. But I really am looking forward to being an adult. I'm sure once I get there-- it won't be as exciting as I imagine and I'll actually want to go back, but something inside me says I am going to enjoy it. I mean heck, I'm enjoying the ride, so it can't be that bad. #2. Next summer. I want next summer to come, because that means I'll (hopefully) be doing an awesome internship that could potentially lead to an awesome job. :) #3. Getting the internship that I will be doing next summer. Haven't applied yet-- but as soon as 2010 rolls around, the resume will be shooting to mailboxes all over the country (and maybe world?). #4. New Years. I love New Years. It's my favorite holiday. For me-- it represents progress. Moving forward. A fresh start. Using what you learned, and applying it to what you can do in the future. :) #5. Winter quarter. Yes. I am ready for school again- but mostly because it means moving forward towards #1. the future, #2 the summer, and #3 the internship. :) Well -- that's basically the rundown of my eagerness... the one stressor of the moment? Money. My friends Briana, Kelly and I decided to put our "waiting" time to good use. We made piggy banks (courtesy of Bed Bath and Beyond for $3.99 [with my employee discount 8)]) to save up money so we can do the things we want!!! Our pigs. So cute.
Hopefully it all works out. That is all for now. :]
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Another crazy day of retail during the holiday season. :)
It seems like I never give myself a break ... but to me-- this is a break! I might be working all the time but when I go home from work I don't have homework, I don't have meetings. I have been able to actually find time to read for my own enjoyment haha. Also- it helps that I'm getting paid for what I'm doing. :) My goals for the month of December are as follows: 1. Find Christmas presents for my friends and family. 2. Make as much money during this Winter Intercession as possible-- even if that involves giving up any semblance of a social life. :P 3. Complete my new years resolution from last New Years to read 12 books in 1 year! This last one might prove a bit difficult ... I got caught up in the craziness of school and my internship at KDKA over the summer and lost track of my goal. I thought back and realized I have only COMPLETED 4 books this year. So, now I must read 8 books in a month. That's approximately 3 books a day. haha. Luckily I'm in the process of reading 4 books. So that should help... they're already part way done! I only have about 20 pages left in one of them. :) I think I can do it. I know I can do it. I'm determined, and I will! This beautiful sky I saw outside of Giant Eagle the other day when I was on break at work gave me inspiration to finish my resolution. I'll do it! I just finished my first week in Pittsburgh for winter intercession-- man how I missed this city! I have been truly enjoying myself the past week. Although working two jobs is keeping me busy, I definitely could use the extra cash.
I have been lucky enough to be able to spend a lot of time with my family and friends over the past week, and I look forward to spending more time over the next few weeks! I'm really glad to be back in the city. I just feel there is so much more going on, so much to do, so much to see. :) It keeps my busy mind occupied. It's always a bit strange when I go back and forth to school. It makes me wonder what it will be like when I graduate from college-- when I live in one place for longer than 3 months. It's difficult to travel back and forth, so I'd imagine it will be less hectic, but at the same time it will be a new page in the big book they call Life. I'm not sure what to expect, but I'm pretty excited for it. :) Right now? I'm happy to be where I am. I love my friends, my family, my jobs and my school. I am getting the opportunity to get a great education and I have a wonderful support system behind me. Although at times things might get tough, I know in the end everything will work out just fine. This is my first post on this new blog and I think I'm starting it off on a good note-- Happy. :)
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Patrick Henderson
I'm a student at Ohio University pursuing a degree in broadcast journalism. I am working towards a career in the production of television content and am looking forward to life after college! ArchivesCategories |