Aired on Tuesday, November 6th 2009 during Athens MidDay on the WOUB network out of Athens, OH Election Day 2009 Election coverage
[Anchor:ALEX] {***ALEX**} [ReadRate:15]
It's an off year for elections ... But that doesn't mean this year is not important. Athens MidDay reporter Pat Henderson is live in the newsroom with how things are going so far.
That's right Alex. There has been a lot of local buzz surrounding the issues on the ballot this year, and it's finally time for voters to make a decision.
[TAKE VO NUMBER: local archive #27] {***VO***} [CG :Std Lower 3rd\Board of Elections\Athens County]
Voters will go to the polls today to make the final decision on several ballot issues that have been hot topics of discussion over the past few weeks. The casino and livestock care amendments' will be decided on today, along with several elected positions. Athens Board of elections Director Debbie Quivey says she thinks this year is going to have a pretty low turnout. As far as problems at the polls-- Quivey says so far, so good.
[TAKE: SOT FULL AT :23 DURATION:0:12] {***SOT FULL***} [CG :Std Lower 3rd\Debbie Quivey\Director of Board of Elections] <everything's been pretty smooth. Has some voters call in and wanna know where to vote at, some of them will get mad because they don't want to go clear there to vote and they want to go to another polling location - just typical stuff we have every election>
[TAKE: LIVE NEWSROOM] {***LIVE PAT NEWSROOM***} There is an investigation underway over claims that O-U Democrats paid people to vote. A claim has been filed with Athens County Prosecutor Dave Warren. The College democrats have released a statement denying any misconduct. Reporting live from the newsroom, I'm Pat Henderson.