The students showcased their creation today at the Research and Creative Activity Expo at the Convocation Center. The robotic cat is capable of recognizing and following objects without any help. One of the creators says the robot is a step towards making more life-like robotics.
[TAKE SOT AT: 19:11 TO: 19:30 DURATION:0:19] {***SOT FULL***} [CG :Std Lower 3rd\Justin Mamrak\OHIO UNIVERSITY PHD STUDENT] <what we're looking at here is studying tendon driven robots because they behave ultimately more like biological systems. Biological systems aren't really a direct drive, we have muscles that control the joint after the muscle. -you know- the muscles that moves the shoulder isn't on the arm, it's on the chest. Sort of like this where the muscle that moves the leg aren't on the leg.>
The students hope the technology will be used to create more realistic and energy efficient robots in the future.